Jennifer Stodola

Jen is a super-friendly, business-savvy people person. Her role in the firm allows for many one-on-one interactions essential for working in finance across all departments.

  • I’m from  a small town in Southern California, but I call East Boston home now.

  • My education  BS Business Administration - WGU; Certified Exotic Animal Trainer specializing in Large Cats - Hollywood Animals

  • Why PCA?  I chose PCA for the people and the culture. The collaborative environment leads to thought provoking discussions with forward-thinking individuals.

  • What's the most inspiring part of your job?  Being able to bridge the gap between finance and design.

  • When I’m not working you can find me  exploring the New England area. I love visiting new cities and learning about the history, checking out the local shops and restaurants, immersing myself in all that it has to offer.

  • Cats or dogs?  Both... They each have unique personalities and traits.

  • Ball point or felt tip?  Ball point... Although it is sacrilegious in the architecture world.

  • The craziest thing I’ve ever done is  move across the country without a job and no support system locally. This was the best decision of my life!

  • What would be your personal motto?  You only die once - you live every day, so live every day to the fullest.

  • My best vacation  is a trip that I took to Wales and Portugal. I spent three weeks exploring all of Wales and the southern part of Portugal - castles, beaches, beautiful scenery, and of course the food!