A vision (value) is an aspiration – it’s less about what you’re able to do, than what you aspire and hope to be and what you optimistically reach for.”

-David Chilinski

Our Creativity

Over the past year, we have taken time to explore our values – Our People, Our Partners, Our Community, and Our Creativity – with a series of self-created events. Last Friday we enjoyed a half-day celebration of Our Creativity which we distilled into three themes to guide the day. Expression, Liberation, and Collaboration.

Expression – with PechaKucha style presentations we were amazed and inspired with the variety and uniqueness of our colleagues’ creative expressions. For many, it was a journey on where or how to find those special moments that quiet your soul and draw surprising things to the surface.


Liberation – exploring the notion that play liberates our creativity, we regressed to our childhood for a bit to create playdoh based sculptures. Our creations then came to life with short storylines and mini-movies to document their shenanigans. Novelist Ursula LeGuin once said, “The creative adult is the child who survived”. We proved that the child in each of us is alive and doing well.

Collaboration – without it our creativity never develops to its full potential. Ideas are enhanced. New thoughts blend to discover unique solutions. No matter who you are, all contribute. We built bridges, literally and figuratively to not only see who can hold up the most or have the most beautiful creation but also to support the notion that an interactive process will yield fantastic results.

It was a great way to end a week. A great way to celebrate our values. A great way to be inspired for the next creative challenge.